Strate Charity Shares NPC (SCS) was set up in 2002 as an independent non-profit company as a joint market initiative of Strate (PTY) Ltd, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, ComputerShare, and PSG. These partners provided their services for free to realise the value locked up in odd lots of unwanted securities that could be used to support charitable causes.
It started when the late stockbroker David Cobbett had the idea of mobilising the millions of rands locked up in odd lots of shares in listed companies and using the funds for good causes. In 2001, he asked Tom Wixley, recently retired Ernst & Young chairman at the time, to help him make this dream a reality.
Market-wide engagement followed including with the Department of Welfare and the South African Revenue Service (SARS) who agreed that the value of any shares donated may be deducted from taxable income, as the scheme is registered under section 18A of the Income Tax Act.
In the subsequent decades, SCS carefully brought financial relief to organisations across South Africa who work with children-in-distress. Wixley served as SCS chairman until 2023.
Due to a shift in Strate (PTY) Ltd.’s corporate social investment strategy, Strate exited SCS at the end of 2023. For that reason, SCS rebranded to Charity Shares for Children NPC (CS4C) and continues its operations.
This rebranding process enjoyed Strate’s practical support. Strate will continue to provide Charity Shares for Children NPC with critical CSD services at no cost to Charity Shares for Children NPC. Computershare and PSG also continue their support and donate service provision to the company. Additional support is provided by PSG Wealth Management, and by Southern Cross Assurance.